When the Davis Family came to visit over the Thanksgiving holiday Brandon played with some soot sprites I had made a while back and absolutely LOVED them. (Side note: Soot Sprites are from My Neighbor Totoro, one of absolute all time favorite films) If he was in my house he had then in his hand. After he left I had an idea for some Christmas tree ornaments. After 1 trip to Michael’s, a few burnt fingers, and a day’s worth of labor I was the proud parent of 20 Santa Soot Sprites.

I think they turned out quit cute! I decorated my tree with some of them and dropped a few off for the Philip and Tracie Shafer family, mailed some to the Davis family, gave a few to Jennifer on her Annual Christmas Tree Decorating Party which took place tonight, and have a few to give to the Sam and Mary Jane Shafer family. Happy Holiday!
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