Yesterday Jake and I were able to get into the trench and dig a couple of squares. In my square, a few feet from the surface my trowel hit something. It was a white ring….what could it be? Jake and I quickly worked to uncover this wonderful possibility and what did we find?........... It was a yogurt cup, no an empty yogurt cup, no wait, it was an entire plastic bag. Someone had a lunch of yogurt, a piece of fruit, (I think a peach), and some cherry jam, and they decided that this place was the best spot for it to live. It was too far under the surface to have simply been left and covered over time, someone had to have buried it for it to be that deep. With all the other crappy archeological practices we have been dealing with since the beginning of the project this didn’t surprise us. It made us question if were digging where the previous project had already been and dumped their back dirt. Since we have found a few pieces of artifacts here and there and the dirt isn’t soft everywhere Jake says that it most likely was just a where someone dug a hole to bury their trash. Ugh. A few more feet down I found another empty plastic bag.
On a different note, the guys working for Jake asked him how old I was. He asked them how old they thought I was and they said 18! I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. The only time I wanted to be told I looked 18 was when I was 16! They thought Jake was 25, not that big of a stretch but for them to say I look 18! When Jake told them I would be 25 next month they said I definitely didn’t look my age. Sigh.
Not much else to say……..
Mandy & Jake

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