Thursday, December 20, 2007

I've added a photo gallery. It doesn't have a lot on it just yet, but check it out. I'll be adding more next week. Tracie (my sister-in-law) found a website having a killer sale on wedding dresses and prom dresses. I picked three of them and then sent emails out and got everyones' thoughts on them, then made my pick. I put a photo of it in the photo gallery. It is a photo of the dress, but the stock photo is a pink dress, my dress will be white...duh. I'm happy with the dress. It is very Jane Austin. I can't wait to get it and try it on! Once I get the dress and make sure it's the right size, Philip will take some photos of me in it.

love you guys, thanks for all the help I'm getting with planning this!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think the groom needs some representation--hurray you two! We are so excited and the kids are thrilled. Love the ring too and we are excited to see the dress!
(You should be flattered, I finally felt this blog was worthy of responding to--how 21st century of me!)