From Jake’s parents we got:
A box of brownie mix
2 jars Peter Pan peanut butter
2 jars JIF peanut butter (even though we compromise on some things peanut butter is not one of them)
a bag of Mini Cadbury eggs (my favorite Easter candy)
a bag of Robin Eggs (woppers)
11 Cadbury cream eggs (one of Jake’s favorite Easter Candy)
From my Mom we got:
1 jar if JIF peanut butter
package of sesame crackers (while in the car I opened the peanut butter and crackers…..heaven!)
a package of Almond cookies
6 microwaveable meals
2 Chow Mein microwaveable dinners
2 boxes of Mac & Cheese (ah, mac & cheese finally)
a box of Corn Pops cereal (I hope I don’t eat them all in one sitting!)
2 cans of tuna
1 can of chicken
3 bags of peanut M&Ms
2 bars of soap
a canister of Country Time pink lemonade mix
an Olay body wash (it has almond oil in it and smells really good by the way)
scent free sun block (we are almost out of our current sun block!)
oh, there was a roll of two ply toilet paper, which I think was used for packing material but we will use it!
The packages were too big to be delivered so Jake had to go into the post office. The girls working behind the counter saw the name on the packages "Jacob". In Spanish the letter J is pronounced like the letter h. The girls behind the counter asked "Your name is pronounced Jacob (with the correct j sound) right? Like in the movie?"
Jake said "Yes."
The girls then questioned, "Are you a werewolf?" The movie they were referring to was either "Twilight" or "New Moon", for those of you who don't know these are books in a series about vampires, werewolves, and a teenage love triangle. I will refrain from commenting on their taste in books. Jake replied "Nope, not a werewolf. Thanks for the packages." They asked him "Are you sure you're not a werewolf?"
Jake replied "I'm not a werewolf, I'm too chubby to walk around with my shirt off. I'm just a lowly archaeologist." So, apparently werewolf is higher on the job totem pole than archaeologist. Who knew?
We cannot thank them enough! We love all of it and will surely have enough to eat until we are done here in Pucon! Thanks again!
The work is moving along and we are getting close to the end. We opened a new trench on the other side of the field. This one is going to be much smaller and we should have it finished by Saturday or Tuesday at the latest. We are going to head to Temuco on Monday to get some supplies that Jake has to use for back filling all the trenches. Tuesday we will dig a small 2 by 1 (meters) trench and then start to back fill everything. If all goes well we should be finished by the end of next week or the beginning of the following week!
Attached is a photo of the volcano from a morning this past week! Check out that smoke! Hope all is well at home!
Mandy & Jake
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