Well, we had an interesting night/morning. At about 3:40am Jake and I were shaken, literally, awake. The entire cabin was shaking, we were being tossed around like rag dolls for about 2 minutes. It seemed liked forever then the shaking lessened and finally stopped. We had no power and were a little on edge. Jake took it like a champ, this was his 6th earthquake. I on the other hand did not handle it very well. I think me being scared made Jake more upset than the actual earthquake. It also didn’t help that I was having a bad dream when I was jerked awake at 3:40 in the morning! I was too frightened to move, let alone make it to a door way. I do not like earthquakes! Who does though? The epicenter was about 400 miles North West of us. It registered at 8.8 on the Richter scale and what we felt was about a 7.
It was the 7th strongest earthquake in not just Chilean history, but history in general. After it hit we walked outside and I saw some flashes of light over in the area of the volcano. I was terrified that the volcano had erupted or that it would after the quake. She seems quiet for now and I want it to stay that way. If that wasn’t bad enough we were laying in bed trying to get back to sleep when another smaller (30 seconds or so) one hit about 5:00 am. We didn’t get much sleep and we were still feeling after shock when we got up this morning. We got dressed and headed to the site to pay Jake’s workers and make sure everyone was ok.
We had no power, no phone service, and no internet access. We didn’t know how bad it had hit other parts of the county until Jake was finally able to get a hold of his parents. It was scary not knowing what was going on and not be able to call anyone and let you guys know we were ok. We didn’t even know if the quake had made the news. Little did we know everyone knew about it. There was almost no damage to Pucon, a few broken windows downtown but otherwise untouched. Santiago and farther north is another question. Lots of damage and over 140 people died. A family Jake baptized lives in Tome, on the cost one town over from Concepcion. The epicenter was just off the cost of Concepcion. We visited there on our trip last year. We haven’t been able to get in touch with them and we pray that they are ok.
Even now as I am writing this email we are feeling aftershocks. We were able to make a call to Jake’s parents and to Jennifer to just let everyone know we were safe and sound. We received a call from the Branch President, who was stuck in Santiago, calling to make sure we were ok.
When we finally got power back at about 4:00pm we drove into town to make a few calls and let everyone know we were ok. When we got back to our cabin the Elders from the ward were waiting on us. They were checking to make sure we were ok. Since we feed them a few weeks ago there was a transfer. Instead of having two American missionaries, we have the greenie from Idaho and a guy from Argentina. After talking for a bit about how scared we all were, able to laugh a bit about it by that point I was really hungry. I was planning on making pizza for dinner and was really hungry so we offered to feed them too. They left for about an hour to check on other members before coming back here. The greenie from Idaho had been shook up all day; he had never been though an earthquake either. He was so sick to his stomach I sent him home with a Ziploc back full of Tums.
We are very grateful to be alive and safe. All day the power had been off, and all day there were cars lined up at the 3 gas stations in town and I mean LINED UP! Most people here don’t have generators so they were all just freaking out and “Had” to get gas. We were able to get to the store, all the bread and bottled water, no shock there, were gone. We were able to grab a few candles before that shelf was emptied out too. I had a killer headache and took some benedryl sinus which means I am going to be OUT in a few minutes. I pray that the earthquakes are done and the aftershocks are over. Thank you for all the prays and the phone tree that was taken care of! I don’t down the power the Shafers and Sauers have in the ways of the phone tree!
We wish we could have called and talked to everyone, but internet access in limited and Jake was only able to put some more money on his pay as you go phone. I will send out emails more regularly for the next few days just keep everyone updated that we are still alive.
I can’t say enough how much I DID NOT enjoy that earthquake. I have had the heebie-jeebies all day because of it. The quake shouldn’t disrupt any of the work Jake is doing here; we haven’t been to the site yet. We will see how well it did on Monday. For now, be safe everyone and we miss and love you all.
Mandy and Jake
In Which it Seemed Like the Right Bus
9 years ago