Well, in two weeks from today we will be getting married! I am so excited to be sealed to Jake for time and all eternity. I got back from a month in Italy about two weeks ago. It kind of sucked to be away for a month, right before we get married. It just made me want to get married even more. I guess it means the poor sucker is stuck with me if I missed him as much as I did while I was gone. I guess all the walking in Italy did me good, because my wedding dress fits now! I was going to have to alter it a bit, but not now! Sweet!
On a non-wedding note, the 4th of July is huge in my family...HUGE! We always go to my brother's (Sam)n house. We grill, we swim, we play games, we have a blast! This year my sister Jennifer, my brother Philip, and myself went to play volleyball at the church before the big gathering. We played non-stop for 3 hours.....we are very sore...my muscles hate me...a lot.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and we will see you all very soon! Two weeks! Kind a weird! Love you all!
In Which it Seemed Like the Right Bus
9 years ago